30.Jan.2022 (Japan),29.Jan.2022 (U.S.A)

International Research for School 2022



International Research for School 2022 features the cross-border research activities of geoscience and physics by junior and senior high school students. Students introduce their research collaboration and recent result and have a chance to expand their research networks.

外国の中高生と共同研究を行いませんか?International Research for School 2022ではNASAやアメリカの研究機関が中高生でも参加できる研究機会やツールを紹介してくれます。その他、たくさんの外国との共同研究をしている中高生と交流することができます。是非興味 のある研究をみつけて自ら飛び込んでみてください!

What kind of collaborations can you touch?


International collaboration makes research interesting. Let's think about the cosmic ray. They arrive anywhere on Earth so that every student in the world has a chance to detect it. Various kinds of research can emerge from comparing cosmic-ray with different countries, such as climate, geomagnetism, and so on. Geology is also one of the nice targets of international collaboration e.g. compare the soil in each location.


Let's share the way of collaboration with other countries. Studentresearch groups use various types of communication tools such as Zoom (video chatting) or Slack (text chatting). If you are a student or teacher, you can have a chance to collaborate with students speakers.




30 January 2022,JST 8:00 - 10:00 (29 January 2022 EST 18:00 - 20:00)
Zoom webinar
The way of sessions
High school students introduce their research while talking with a host. Guest panelists interact with students to explore new collaboration. Audiences can ask a question by Q and A in each session. If you are a student and interested in participating as panelist and interacting with speakers, please contact with info@accel-kitchen.com
2022年1月30日 8:00 - 10:00 JST
Zoom webinar



8:00-8:10 JST
18:00-18:10 EST


account_circle Kazuo Tanaka

8:00-8:10 JST


account_circle 田中香津生

8:10-8:25 JST
18:10-18:25 EST

Polymer gel dosimetry for X-ray, gamma-ray, and ion beam

account_circle Wakana Yanagimoto

Beamline for schools invites teams of high-school students to propose a scientific experiment at a particle accelerator in Germany. The international collaboration team between Japan and Argentina was shortlisted for it by the proposal about the polymer gel dosimetry.

8:10-8:25 JST


account_circle 高3 柳本和奏

Beamline for schoolsドイツの大型加速器施設DESYのビームを使った実験を世界の高校生から募集する企画です。 日本の柳本さんはアルゼンチンの科学クラブと共同して「ゲルを用いた線量分布測定」というテーマで2019,2020年とこの課題募集に応募し、いずれも最終選考まで残りました。

8:25-8:40 JST
18:25-18:40 EST

Comparison of cosmic-ray arrival frequency in Japan and Argentina

account_circle Mika Takanashi

Japan and Argentina research group try to compare the cosmic-ray arrival frequency between both countries. Argentina is in a magnetic anomaly band that we try to search through this measurement.

8:25-8:40 JST


account_circle 高梨美佳


8:40-8:55 JST
18:40-18:55 EST

An Altered Artic

account_circle students from Omaha, Nebraska

This presentation will discuss how the use of ArcGIS and StoryMap technology can be used to create innovative and interactive presentations. "An Altered Arctic" is a StoryMap project that focuses on analyzing a changing climate's effect on the ocean, and the resulting impact on Alaskan Inuit Land.

8:40-8:55 JST

An Altered Artic

account_circle students from Omaha, Nebraska

This presentation will discuss how the use of ArcGIS and StoryMap technology can be used to create innovative and interactive presentations. "An Altered Arctic" is a StoryMap project that focuses on analyzing a changing climate's effect on the ocean, and the resulting impact on Alaskan Inuit Land.

8:55-9:10 JST
18:55-19:10 EST

International Cosmic Day

account_circle Kotono Arai  Waka Suehiro  Yui Morimoto    Yuzuka Sasaki  

In The International Cosmic Day (ICD), students, teachers, and scientists who are involved in cosmic-ray research work come together to talk to each other online. Some student research groups in Japan joined the 10th ICD and communicated with oter research groups.

8:55-9:10 JST

International Cosmic Day

account_circle 高1 新井詩乃 高1 末廣和夏  高1 森本結衣  中1 佐々木柚榎  

International Cosmic Day (ICD)ドイツのDESYが主催する世界の1000を超える中高生が参加して交流する宇宙線探究活動のイベントです。このイベントではそれぞれの探究活動を紹介・交流することができ、日本から参加した中高生からその様子について紹介してもらいます。

9:10-9:25 JST
19:10-19:25 EST


account_circle Kenneth Cecire

Quarknet in United States provides a various type of outreach events and tools for particle physics. It provides a cosmic-ray detectors for many countries includes Japan.

9:10-9:25 JST


account_circle Kenneth Cecire


9:25-9:40 JST
19:25-19:40 EST

 research for meteorite

account_circleJapanese Student in Seiko-Gakuin  

About research for meteorite with school in London

9:25-9:40 JST




9:40-10:05 JST
19:40-20:05 EST


account_circle Brian Day   Student from St. Mary's School    Yuzuka Sasaki

Introduction from Mr. Brian Day (NASA) about the SOLAR SYSTEM TREKS which is a web-based portal for exploration of planets and asteroids. Also, search for evidence of water on Vesta by using this tool is presented by students at St. Mary's School (Oregon, USA).

9:40-10:05 JST


account_circle Brian Day   Student from St. Mary's School    中1 佐々木柚榎

アメリカのNASAが提供している惑星・小惑星のデータ可視化ポータルSOLAR SYSTEM TREKSについて、NASAのBrian Dayから紹介してもらい、実際にこれを使って小惑星ベスタの土石流の画像解析および水の存在の探索を行ったアメリカオレゴン州のSt. Mary's Schoolの高校生から研究紹介をしてもらいます。

10:05-10:20 JST
20:05-20:20 EST


account_circle Kazuo Tanaka

Q and A session for students and panelists.

10:05-10:20 JST


account_circle Kazuo Tanaka



Dr. Kazuo Tanaka

Representative of Accel Kitchen LLC, Paul Scherrer Institute

Mr. Kenneth Cecire

QuarkNet National Staff, University of Notre Dame

Dr. Ed Robeck

Head of Director of Education and Outreach at The American Geosciences Institute

Mr. Brian Day

Lead for Citizen Science and Community Development, NASA

